The Research Centre in Commerce under Mahatma Gandhi University was initiated in April 1997. The research centre with 22 years of research experience, 9 eminent research guides, 17 PhDs produced and more than 110 publications in international and national reputed Journals upholds the tradition of academic excellence. The Centre conducts course work for the PhD programme. The scholars periodically present seminars in the presence of the faculty members, research guides and an external expert. Based on this the progress of the research work of the scholars are monitored and periodically submitted to the university. The centre also conducts pre-submission seminar of the research work done by each scholar before submitting the PhD synopsis to the University. The Centre co-coordinators were Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery (till 2011), Baby Joseph (2011-2014), Dr. Seena Augustine (2014-2016), Dr. Tessy Thomas (2016-2017) and Prof. Ajay Joseph (2017 onwards)
The Research Centre in Commerce under Mahatma Gandhi University was initiated in April 1997. The research centre with 22 years of research experience, 9 eminent research guides, 17 PhDs produced and more than 110 publications in international and national reputed Journals upholds the tradition of academic excellence. The Centre conducts course work for the PhD programme. The scholars periodically present seminars in the presence of the faculty members, research guides and an external expert. Based on this the progress of the research work of the scholars are monitored and periodically submitted to the university. The centre also conducts pre-submission seminar of the research work done by each scholar before submitting the PhD synopsis to the University. The Centre co-coordinators were Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery (till 2011), Baby Joseph (2011-2014), Dr. Seena Augustine (2014-2016), Dr. Tessy Thomas (2016-2017) and Prof. Ajay Joseph (2017 onwards)
Sl.No | Name of Research Guides | Official Designation of Research Guide | Date of retirement |
1 | Dr. JOY JOSEPH PUTHUSSERY | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 02.05.2022 |
2 | Dr. V.M XAVIER | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 17.04.2022 |
3 | Dr. BABY JOSEPH | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
4 | Dr. MATHEW K.A | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
5 | Dr. V.A SONNY | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
6 | Dr. SURESH V.N | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
7 | Dr. BINO JOY | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
8 | Dr. ASHA E. THOMAS | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
9 | Dr. Gimson D Parambil | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
10 | Dr. Sr. Tessy Thomas | Approved Research Guide in Commerce under M.G University, Kottayam | 31.05.2022 |
Sl.No | Name of Research Guides | Title of the thesis | Name Of The Supervisor | Status |
1 | Raji Joseph | Changing perspectives on asset liability management in the post – reform phase of modern banking – a study | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2004) |
2 | Reji M.A | The role of small industries development bank of India in the development of small scale industrial sector in Kerala | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2004) |
3 | Jojomon N.A | A Study on the impacts of voluntary retirement scheme on employees and employers | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2009) |
4 | Shaju Mathew | A Comparative study on the performance of public & private life insurance companies – with special reference to service quality | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Working |
5 | Mercy Varghese | Women Empowerment through kudumbasree – a study in ernakulam district | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2012) |
6 | Sreeja Sreekumar | Total quality management in school education in the state of Kerala | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2013) |
7 | Sreeja Sreekumar | Total quality management in school education in the state of Kerala | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2013) |
8 | O.C Aloysius | Performance evaluation & customer satisfaction of public sector banks & new generation private sector banks in the post liberalised ERA | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2013) |
9 | Sr. Tessy Thomas | A Critical analysis of swarnajayanthi gram swarozgar yojana & its impacts on rural empowerment | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Awarded (2016 |
10 | Bindhu Achamma Koshy | Perceptual analysis of mobile banking customers in Kerala | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Submitted |
11 | Sreelakshmi K | Impact of event management on economy & culture. A Study with reference to thrissur & ernakulam district | Dr. Joy Joseph Puthussery | Working |
12 | Lazer P.K | Foreign portfolio investment in india – a critical evaluation | Awarded (2008) | Dr. V.M Xavier |
13 | T.T Devasia | A Study on the housing finance services in kerala with special reference to HDFC & LIC housing finance Ltd. | Dr. Baby Joseph | Awarded (2010) |
14 | Dean Martin | Retail marketing in kerala : performance attitudes & Challenges | Dr. Baby Joseph | Awarded (2011) |
15 | Joseph Joy Puthussery | A Study on Financial Literary Centres in Kerala | Dr. Baby Joseph | Submitted |
16 | Ponny Joseph | A Customer centric study on financial innovations among private sector banks in kerala | Dr. Baby Joseph | Working |
17 | P.K Sundaresan | Administrative & commercial reforms of dewan raja kesava das in Travancore | Dr. Baby Joseph | Working |
18 | Biju Thomas Mathew | A Study on the marketing of passenger cars | Dr. Mathew K.A | Awarded (2007) |
19 | P.A Paulose | Conflicts in organisation & its impact on the sufficiency & effectiveness in the public and private enterprises in kerala In the light of liberalisation, privatisation & globalisation | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2013) |
20 | A. Surendran | HRD culture & climate of steel based public sector Enterprises in kerala | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2013) |
21 | K.S Kripakumar | Interpersonal relations & competence in public sector Enterprises in kerala – a study with reference to KTDC | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2016) |
22 | Visalakshi C.A | Recent marketing strategies of commercial banks in kerala : Its impact implications | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2016) |
23 | Visalakshi C.A | Recent marketing strategies of commercial banks in kerala : Its impact implications | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2016) |
24 | Daisland Thattil | Stress management among nurses in government & private hospitals in kerala – a comparative study | Dr. V.A Sonny | Awarded (2019) |
25 | Vipin Benny | A Study on patented ayurvedic drugs in kerala | Dr. V.A Sonny | Submitted |
26 | Rekha P.T | A Comparative study on the customers choice of villas and apartments in kerala | Dr. V.A Sonny | Working |
27 | Rajani B. Bhat | Impact of derivatives on price volatility in indian stock market | Dr. Suresh V.N | Awarded (2018) |
28 | Francis K.O | Performance of consumer disputes redressal forums in kerala | Dr. Suresh V.N | Awarded (2018) |
29 | Hari U | A study on the cost and returns of Malayalam Film Industry. | Dr. Suresh V.N | Working |
30 | Babu K.K | Management of non – performing assets – a study with special reference to public sector banks in Kerala | Dr. Suresh V.N | Working |
31 | Rekha P.G | Service Deleciery & cost recovery of urban infrastructure projects in kerala – a study with special reference to KSUDP. | Dr. Suresh V.N | Working |
32 | Madhusoodenankartha N.V | Effectiveness of visual media advertisement in building brand equity and buying motive on fast moving consumer goods & consumer durables. | Dr. Suresh V.N | Awarded (2019) |
33 | Archana Aravindan | Role of JNNURM in urban infrastructure development in kerala. | Dr. Suresh V.N | Working |
34 | Renjith S | Rational investment decision in capital market – a study on individual investors in kerala | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
35 | Athira Krishnan | Management practices of Agribusiness in Kerala – An Ethical Perspective | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
36 | Minamol K.M | Project financing for farm tourism in kerala | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
37 | Sajana K. Muhammed | Operational issues & management practices of realty sector in kerala | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
38 | Shamna P.K | Corporate social responsibility practices and business competitiveness in kerala | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
39 | Renson John | Rural credit management – an evaluation of formal credit structure. | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
40 | Thahira M.E | Developmental initiatives for entrepreneurs in Kerala. | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
41 | Suja P.K | Health insurance sector in kerala – an analysis | Dr. Bino Joy | Working |
42 | Remyamol K.P | Influence of E-CRM practices on Organisational competitiveness of commercial banks in Kerala | Dr. Asha E. Thomas | Working |
43 | Shiney C.N | Coastal destinations & tourism activities in Kerala. | Dr. Asha E. Thomas | Working |
44 | Teresa Stephen | A Study on Occupational Stress Experienced by Women officers in Banking Sector (with special reference to Kerala) | Dr. Asha E. Thomas | Working |
45 | Christy George M.J | Linkages between tourism & employment generation in kerala. | Dr. Asha E. Thomas | Working |
46 | Joel Chacko Roy | Cross-training and Employee Attrition Management – A study with special reference to Financial Service Sector | Dr. Gimson D Parambil | Working |
47 | Silgy Joseph Thannippara | Broad Spectrum Online Shopping and Brand Resonance – A Study with special reference to Municipal | Dr. Gimson D Parambil | Working |
48 | Minnu Jaison | A Comparative Study on Glass- Ceiling of Women Employees in Public and Private Sector Banks on Kerala | Dr. Gimson D Parambil | Working |
49 | Nihara Marie Thomas | Credibility of Social Media Influencers and its Role in Purchase Proposition | Dr. Gimson D Parambil | Working |
50 | Elizabeth Joy | Investors’ Perception on the Role of Investment Advisors in Portfolio Selection | Dr. Sr. Tessy Thomas | Working |
51 | Manju M. Kaimal | A study on the Impact of Payment Banks on Financial Inclusion in India | Dr. Sr. Tessy Thomas | Working |
52 | Ashlin Maria Joseph | Competency Mapping for Enhancing Employee Performance and Organizational effectiveness in IT Industry of Kerala | Dr. Sr. Tessy Thomas | Working |
53 | Anton Joseph | A study on Career Re-entry, work-life Integration and Career success of Professional Working Women in Kerala | Dr. Sr. Tessy Thomas | Working |