The library began functioning in July 1965 at the inception of college. The college library is located in a central position of the campus. Working time is 9.00 AM and closes at 5.00 PM. on all working days. The library is automated with the software KOHA fort the overall management of library operations.
Books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition. We provide open access facility in the library keeping in mind the right information for the right user at the right time. The library’s assets are mainly for the students, faculties and the staffs.
The total area of library is 6250 sq.ft. It is divided into five sections, main hall, reference hall, research area, stack area and General Stacks 2. General Stacks 2 collections include the less demanded books, multiple copies and damaged books.
Reader’s entry and exit is recorded through an access control and management system (reader’s RFID id card is scanned and automatically recorded his visit).